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Top 5 Male Masturbation Toys

Male masturbation toys are a fun and exciting way to add another dimension to your solo or couple’s play. They’re designed to elicit sensations that are impossible with regular, bare-handed stroking, and often come with interactive features that will let you control them remotely. They’re also great for practicing new positions and boosting your stamina, says sex expert Marla Renee Stewart, M.A.

Top Male Stroker: The Flip Zero EV

This hand-held bad boy wraps its texturized “bat wings” around the shaft of your penis to deliver intense vibrations at a precise location. Fully rechargeable, this powerful little guy is made for both solo and couple’s play thanks to its sleek design.

Best Blowjob Machine Review: The Kiiroo Onyx+

Unlike most of today’s hand-held male masturbators, the Onyx+ is made for interactive play and can sync with a variety of virtual reality devices as well as other sex toys. It’s also lightweight and discreet enough to take on the go so you can use it wherever you’re going.

Best Autosucking Masturbator: The Fleshlight LM2

A man’s most intimate pleasure organ is his penis, and the LM2 from Fleshlight is made to mimic that experience as much as possible. It’s designed to stimulate the nerve endings in your penis, and it’s even waterproof!

The LM2’s pulsating action will leave you feeling “awesome,” according to the product’s maker. It’s also super-easy to clean.

Featuring an in-built heating system, the Calor vibrating male masturbator makes its internal sleeve toasty warm for maximum pleasure. There’s also a see-through panel that allows you to watch the action from inside, as well as a Cruise Control setting that automatically alters the intensity of its pulsations to keep things fresh.

It’s compatible with other Lovense products, so you can share your experience with a partner or enjoy it on your own. The Calor is also remote controllable, so you can control it from anywhere with a mobile app.

Top Sex Toys for Guys: The Calor Max 2.

For the guy who prefers a vibrating, warming male masturbator with more than just power, the Lovense Max 2 continues to be a crowd-pleaser. This device has a few more tricks up its sleeve, including an in-built heating mechanism and a textured silicone cover that’s soft and squeezable.

You can lube the device with water-based personal lubricants, but you shouldn’t rely on them to feel great. It’s especially important to avoid silicone-based lubes, which can actually degrade the material in these products over time.

Most sex toys aren’t built to last long, so it’s important to invest in a good one that will last you awhile. It’s also a good idea to read reviews about the device you’re considering before buying.

The latest masturbator on the market: The Lovense Calor

If you’re looking for a premium male masturbation toy that delivers all the pressure, heat and depth vibrations you could ask for in one easy-to-use device, look no further than the Calor from Lovense. Its features include a temperature-controlled internal sleeve that’s toasty warm and an in-built heating system, plus it’s compatible with other Lovense Max products. It also has a number of interactive features that will keep your partner engaged and on their toes as you experience this advanced pleasure product.

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