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male masturbation toys

Top 10 Male Masturbation Toys

Men have always been curious about toys, but they can be a bit intimidated by all the options. There’s a whole new world of male masturbation toys out there that go way beyond the old blow up dolls and cock rings. From massagers that mimic an artificial vagina to autosucking masturbators, these toys can provide sensations like never before. In addition to masturbation, these toys can also be used for arousal and for partner play. Depending on the type of toy, some can even connect to VR and sync with porn.

If you’re ready to explore this new world, here are the top 10 male masturbation toys that will give you orgasms for days.

1. TENGA Stepper Textured Egg: A perfect first-time toy

One of the most popular male masturbation toys on the market is a series of discreetly packaged eggs from Japanese sex toy maker, TENGA. Each egg has a textured surface that feels great on your shaft and is a lot of fun to explore. These toys are easy to use, quiet and rechargeable and can be enjoyed solo or with a partner.

The textured surface on this toy is soft and pleasurable but also firm enough to grip your penis. It’s easy to insert and it comes with 6 distinct settings to explore. It can be inserted erect or not and is perfect for beginners or experienced users.

2. GOSH Flip Zero EV: The best man stroker

This small and discreet toy features a simple design that fits right in the palm of your hand. The sleeve is made from smooth, high-grade silicone and has a slight curve that’s designed to slide down your erect penis while the bumps and swirls of the internal sleeve send toe-curling vibrations down your spine. It has 3 sexy intensity levels to choose from and is water-proof, quiet and rechargeable.

3. Cobra Libre 2: The best autosucking masturbator

This powerful, water-proof toy is the king of all male masturbators and has a strong, deep and intense experience. It’s designed to look like an orifice and has multiple choices of orifice heads including a vaginal opening, a pair of lips and even a cock. This toy is quiet, rechargeable and has a battery life of over an hour and offers 3 simple controls with 6 speeds.

4. YO-BOOM: The ultimate anal masturbator

This toy looks just like a blow-up doll, but its internal sleeve has a pliable body that can be adjusted to fit your penis girth and is surrounded by a smooth, sexy head with multiple slicing and stroking textures. The YO-BOOM is quiet and water-proof and can be sucked or stroked with its textured head. It also has a climax chamber and a secret sexy space for cum.

While this list is a great place to start, remember that you need to try different things and find what works for you. Regardless of the size or style you choose, you should always practice proper hygiene with all toys. Most men’s sex toys can be cleaned with mild soap and warm water, but it’s important to read the manufacturer’s directions for cleaning or sterilization methods. Silicone and stainless steel toys without electrical parts can be boiled for sterilization. Using a male masturbator is a safe, comfortable and fun way to release stress and tension, relieve anxiety and increase sexual pleasure. The best part is that you can do it alone or with a partner, and all of these toys are available online or at a variety of sex toy retailers.

Get the best male masturbating toy here!